Travelling with a newborn

Tips For Travelling With a Newborn

The first few weeks after baby’s arrival might feel like a whirlwind of emotions and activities, and while you adjust to your new routine and life… the idea of travelling with your newborn might feel a little overwhelming.

So, sit tight, let’s walk you through our list of tips for travelling with a newborn!

Travelling With A Newborn: Essential Packing List

When preparing to travel with a newborn, pack only the essentials to guarantee ease during your journey. Start by making sure you have enough nappies to last through the trip. A good rule of thumb is to pack one nappy for every hour you’ll be traveling, plus a few extras, just in case. Don’t forget wipes, nappy cream, and disposable bags for easy cleanup.

Next, pack a change of clothes for your little one in case of any accidents, it’s always better to be over-prepared than to be caught without a spare outfit when you need it most.

Bringing along your baby’s favorite toys or comfort items can help keep them entertained and calm during the journey. A familiar toy or blanket can provide a sense of security in unfamiliar surroundings and, of course, don’t forget to pack any necessary medications and feeding supplies for your little one.

Lastly, make sure to pack snacks and drinks for yourself to stay energised and hydrated while taking care of your baby. It’s crucial to take care of yourself, too, to ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience with your newborn.

Choosing Baby-Friendly Accommodations

When choosing a place to stay with your little one, there are a few key factors to ponder to guarantee a comfortable and stress-free experience for the whole family.

First and foremost, safety is paramount. Look for accommodations that are childproofed or can easily be made safe for your baby, and check whether the space offer quiet and separate sleeping area for your baby, as this can make a big difference in assuring everyone gets a good night’s rest. Some accommodations offer rooms with adjoining spaces or suites, which can be ideal for families with babies.

Access to essential facilities like a kitchenette or laundry services can be a game-changer when traveling with a newborn baby. Being able to prepare bottles, wash clothes, and store baby food can help you feel more at home even when you’re away.

Lastly, don’t forget to inquire about any additional services or perks for families travelling with babies. Some accommodations offer babysitting services, baby gear rentals, or even special meal options for little ones, which can be useful when baby is accompanied by siblings.

Transportation Options

When planning your trip, think about the mode of transportation that will be most comfortable and practical for you and your little one. Air travel can be a quick way to reach your destination, but it may involve long security lines and crowded airports. If flying, check with the airline about their policies for travelling with a newborn, such as bassinet availability and seating arrangements.

For a more relaxed journey, you might opt for a road trip, since travelling by car allows you to stop whenever needed, attend to your baby’s needs, and pack as much equipment as you require. Make sure to plan for frequent breaks to feed, change nappies, and stretch your legs.

If you prefer to leave the driving to someone else, trains or buses can be convenient options. Many public transportation services offer accommodations for families travelling with babies, such as priority seating and facilities for nappy changes. Research the specific amenities offered by different providers to choose the most suitable option for your journey.

Travelling With A Newborn: Tips for Feeding On-the-Go

To guarantee convenience and ease while travelling with a newborn, mastering the art of feeding on-the-go is crucial.

Here are some tips to help you navigate this aspect smoothly:

  1. Pack Wisely: Be sure to pack more than enough milk, formula, or baby food for the journey. It’s better to have extra supplies than to run out mid-trip.
  2. Invest in Quality Supplies: Consider investing in a good quality insulated bottle carrier or a portable formula dispenser. These items can make feeding your baby on-the-go much more manageable.
  3. Plan Your Stops: If you’re travelling by car, plan your stops strategically. Look for rest areas or baby-friendly cafes where you can comfortably feed your little one.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Remember to stay hydrated yourself, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Keeping yourself well-hydrated will help guarantee a steady milk supply for your baby.

Managing Babys Sleep Routine

Creating a soothing bedtime routine can work wonders in helping your little one drift off to dreamland. Start by sticking to your calming pre-sleep ritual as much as possible, as that signals it’s time to wind down. This could include a warm bath, gentle massage, or reading a bedtime story.

When it comes to where your baby sleeps, a quiet, dimly lit room with a comfortable cot can help promote better sleep, but don’t forget to make sure the temperature is just right – not too hot or too cold – and consider using white noise or a lullaby machine to create a soothing atmosphere.

Keep an eye out for your baby’s sleep cues, such as rubbing their eyes or getting fussy. Putting them down to sleep when they’re drowsy but not fully asleep can help them learn to self-soothe and fall asleep independently.

Dealing With Jet Lag

Dealing with jet lag can be challenging for both you and your newborn as you adjust to a new time zone. Jet lag occurs when your body’s internal clock is out of sync with the time in your new location. The good news is there are some strategies to help minimise the effects of jet lag on you and your little one.

One way to combat jet lag is to gradually adjust your schedule before you travel. Start shifting your routines, such as meal times and naps, closer to the new time zone. This can help ease the change for both you and your newborn once you arrive.

During your flight, try to mimic the new time zone as much as possible. Encourage sleep if it’s nighttime at your destination and keep things lively if it’s daytime. Staying hydrated and moving around the cabin can also help reduce the impact of jet lag.

Once you’ve reached your destination, spend time outdoors in natural light. Sunlight can help regulate your body’s internal clock and aid in adjusting to the new time zone.

Travel-Friendly Gear Recommendations

Pack essential travel-friendly gear to guarantee a smooth and stress-free journey with your newborn. When preparing for your trip, consider bringing a lightweight and compact pram that can easily fold for storage. This will make getting around airports and crowded spaces a breeze. A baby carrier is also a handy item to have, allowing you to keep your little one close while keeping your hands free.

Portable changing pads are a lifesaver when you need to change your baby on the go. Additionally, having a few favorite toys or teethers can help keep your little one entertained during the journey.

For feeding on the move, consider a travel bottle warmer to heat up milk or formula quickly. It’s also wise to pack some snacks for yourself to keep your energy up during the trip. A lightweight and portable bassinet or travel crib can provide a safe and familiar sleeping space for your baby wherever you go.

Travelling With A Newborn: Conclusion

To sum up, by following these stress-free travel tips for newborns, you can guarantee a smooth and enjoyable journey for the whole family. Remember to pack smart, choose baby-friendly accommodations, and be prepared for any situation that may arise.

With the right gear, a well-rested baby, and some entertainment on hand, you’ll be prepared for any adventure that comes your way. Safe travels and happy memories await you and your little one!